Private Training Gym, Mobile Home Fitness Training and Group Classes

Jenny charges £40 per session. Buy 10 sessions for £400 and get one free.

My class charges are £10 per person per session for a hall based class or £6 per person per session for a class via a Zoom link. A monthly purchase is available.

A session is approximately 1 hour.

Free consultations are available with absolutely no obligation, whether these are in our personal training gym or via our mobile training service.

Weight loss
A workout with the optimal balance of exercises and optional nutritional advice that ensures body fat is lost not muscle tissue.

Weight / muscle gain
Muscles only increase in size by overloading them. By controlled strength exercises this process can take place without the risk of injury.

Sport specific
Training and preparing the body for whatever sport you play be it golf, football, rugby, tennis, badminton, bowls etc ensures performance is increased while reducing the risk of injury.

Injury rehab
Sometimes not only after an operation but before, specific training and strengthening to the affected area can speed recovery.

Pre-wedding conditioning
You’ve paid out all that money on your dress, shoes, make-up, hair etc but what about your body. If you are more toned and have more shape, your dress will look that much more flattering.

Ski conditioning
Once a year you expect without any training or maybe any exercise to be able to ski all day without any aches and pains afterwards. This type of training ensures that you will be fit for skiing therefore enjoying your holiday to the max.

Core stability
All sports, indeed every training even posture, rely on good core stability. More power, strength and better poise is attained by increasing the effectiveness of the core through specific exercises. Research shows that stronger abdominal muscles reduce back pain.

Nutritional advice
Sensible, balanced eating plans that not only you can stick to but also the rest of the family enjoy means everyone eats healthily without any faddy diets.

Bespoke exercise programmes
These programmes can be adapted to use at your own gym therefore offering you variety even when you train on your own.

Classes - Jenny
Monday (60mins) - 9-10am - Body Conditiioning - South Ascot Scout Hut, Church Road, SL5 9DP.
Wednesday (60mins) - 6.30pm-7.30pm - Boxing Style Exercise Class - South Ascot Scout Hut, Church Road, SL5 9DP.
Thursday (60mins) - 9-10am - Fitball/Gym Ball/Swiss Ball Class - Via Zoom Link.
Saturday (30mins) 8.30-9am - Body Conditioning Class - Upper Body or Lower Body alternating each week. Via Zoom Link.